Since 12 years, Le Slip Français has been committed to French manufacturing with our 80 industrial partners and all those who support the Made in France.
For weeks we've been waiting for the public authorities to respond to our concrete proposals. But nothing is moving.
More jobs, more social cohesion, less carbon impact - Made in France is the obvious choice, and everyone is calling for industrial reconquest. In these difficult economic times, we need to support companies that choose to manufacture in France . They defend our vision of the world, our social model and 3.5 million jobs that represent stories, families and lives. On the eve of the Made In France trade show, WE citizens can decide to change that. And it starts with YOUR signature. Sign our national petition for a bill to support Made in France companies.
A petition to unite 100,000 citizens in a clear request to the public authorities: the implementation of an economic framework in favor of companies manufacturing in France.
The aim is to reach 100,000 signatures by the end of the year, so that the framework needed to win back industry can be debated and approved by the French National Assembly. Individuals, companies, associations, federations, sign, relay, share... we're counting on you. Together, let's make the impossible possible
The French sock
Le slip des français
Who are we?
Since more than 12 years, Le Slip Français has been the iconic brand of underwear made in France, and has become a true symbol of the reinvention of the textile industry. A Bcorp-certified company with a mission, Le Slip Français promotes local players by modernizing the industry and "reinventing the French textile industry with panache".